Finding suitable accommodation

We offer expert advice and reports for clients and their advisors on identifying suitable properties for individuals affected by disability.
This becomes a process of:-
Understanding the client's property requirements and specific needs, including factors such as the preferred location, spatial requirement, budget, facilities and proximity of local amenities, together with undertaking a detailed analysis of suitable accommodation and assessing any likely adaptations required.  The research is then collated in a detailed informative report. Such reports may be used in litigation, or to assist clients or their advisors or Trustees, or for use with the Court of Protection.
We also list adapted property for sale for vendors, please click here

We can assist by :

  • Assist in identifying suitable properties
  • Undertake measured surveys and prepare feasibility proposals
  • Prepare Suitability Reports covering accommodation requirement and         likely  costs of purchase and adaptation
  • Assess the space provided and space required
  • Assess future maintenance and running costs
  • Organise surveys, investigations and organise property valuations
  • Prepare adaptation design & seek Planning approval prior to purchase

  • Let us be expert eyes for you.

    We have adapted many properties for individual needs.  Get expert advice prior to purchase.

    To make sure it is going to be suitable
    To obtain advise on whether Planning permission is likely
    To consider whether it is affordable

    Send us your enquiry.

    Chat with us by calling 01772 627202 or you can use the form below to send us a message.