Accommodation Expert Witness
We are regularly approached to provide expert reports on the accommodation needs of individuals who have suffered serious injuries, either as a consequence of road traffic accidents, industrial accidents or clinical negligence. Instructions are received from Claimant and Defendant Solicitors as well as on an Agreed Joint Instruction basis.
Our expert services include:
CPR 35 Complaint High Court Report on the Accommodation Needs of Disabled Individuals, forming a detailed report taking account of the facts and evidence in the Case
Preparation of Joint Statements and meetings with Experts
Property Suitability Assessments including preparing existing and proposed layout plans to best meet the needs of disabled individuals
Property Finder Service to seek out and report on potentially suitable properties that may meet the needs of disabled individuals
Property Advice to advise on matters in respect of property, prior to purchase or after purchase.
Accommodation and disabilities
The range of disabilities is wide, including both injuries to limbs, spine, sight, other senses as well as to the face, head and brain. In all cases, we take an impartial independent view, so as to best advise the Court.
We will also assist instructing lawyers and clients on the suitability of properties and assist with finding suitable properties for disabled individuals.
We are listed as first tier experts with the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL).
Instructions may come in the form of ;-